View activity history

View activity history

The Activity history logs users’ actions in Apromore. It allows you see the timestamp of activities performed, assets used during that activity, and other relevant information. This information may help us monitor activities performed in within Apromore to identify the roots of problems when they occur, or for bookkeeping purposes.

To view the activity history, from Apromore Portal, click the user menu icon indicated by our name initials.


Click Activity history.


The activity history dashboard appears.


The activity history dashboard contains the following fields.

  • Timestamp: The time of the activity in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ.

  • Username: The name of the user that performed the activity.

  • User role: The role of the user that performed the activity.

  • User IP: The network IP address of the user.

  • Action: The specific activity done by the user. For example, when a user logs into Apromore Portal, the Action is User login.

  • Action Type: The type of activity performed. For example, when a user logs in, the Action Type is Authentication.

  • Target Name: The name of the artifact used during the activity. For example, if you create a new folder named test_folder, the Target Name is test_folder.

  • Target Type: The type of artifact used during the activity. For example, when a new folder is created, the Target Name is FOLDER.

  • Target ID: An auto-generated numeric ID for a target name. This ID is visible next to the artifact in list view in of your Apromore Workspace.


For users with superusers and administrator roles, the activity history of all users in their organization appears in their Activity history. However, users with other roles can only view their own activity history. For more information about users and roles, see Manage users, groups, and roles.


For login and logout activities, Target Name and Target Type are not assigned.

Customize activity history

By default, the Activity history is sorted by timestamp in descending order. However, you can change how the Activity History is sorted.

To sort by Timestamp in ascending order, click the Timestamp field in the Activity History dashboard. An arrow-up icon appears on the left side.


This indicates the activity history is now sorted in ascending order (from the earliest to the latest). We can sort in descending order by clicking the Timestamp field again.

We can also sort the activity history by any other field. Click the field, sorts the Activity history in descending order or ascending order.


When you sort by a field that contains empty entries, activities where the field is empty appear first. Conversely, when you sort in ascending order, activities where the selected field is empty appear last.

Download activity history

Apromore allows us to download the activity history as a log file for book keeping or further analysis. By default, the activity history is downloaded in a CSV file format. To download the Activity History,

Click the drop-down menu in the top left corner of your Activity history dashboard.


Click Download activity history.


The Activity History is downloaded to your local computer in CSV format.

Action names and action types

Apromore automatically assigns an Action Name and Action Type for every activity. There are several action names and action types depending on the activity performed. Here is a list of action names and action types that can be logged into the activity history.

  1. Log-related activities


Action type

Copy log into a folder

Resource management

Delete log

Resource management

Export log

Resource management

Import log

Resource management

Move log into a folder

Resource management

Open log in dashboard


Open log-in process discoverer


Rename log

Resource management

  1. Model-related activities


Action type

Copy a model into a folder

Resource management

Delete model

Resource management

Export model

Resource management

Import model

Resource management

Move a model into a folder

Resource management

Open model in the editor


Rename model

Resource management

  1. Folder-related activities


Action type

Create folder

Resource management

Delete folder

Resource management

Move a folder into a folder

Resource management

Rename folder

Resource management

  1. Group-related activities:


Action type

Change access rights for a folder

Admin activity

Change access rights for log

Admin activity

Change access rights for model

Admin activity

Create group

Admin activity

Delete a group

Admin activity

Grant access rights to a folder

Admin activity

Grant access rights for log

Admin activity

Grant access rights for model

Admin activity

Remove permissions from a folder

Admin activity

Remove permissions from the log

Admin activity

Remove permissions from model

Admin activity

Rename group

Admin activity

  1. Role-related activities:


Action type

Change role permissions

Admin activity

Create role

Admin activity

Delete role

Admin activity

  1. User-related activities:


Action type

Add user to group

Admin activity

Change user role

Admin activity

Create user

Admin activity

Delete user

Admin activity

Remove a user from a group

Admin activity

Transfer ownership

Resource management

User login


User logout
